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Cone Beam Volumetric Imaging in Dental, Oral and Maxillofacial Medicine: Fundame


Idioma: Inglés

Fecha de publicación 1 enero 2013

ISBN  978-1850972693


Now available in an atlas format with enlarged illustrations, the original best-selling book on CBCT has been completely revised to cover the plethora of new developments since its publication. In the fi rst part of the book, the authors introduce the basic principles of CBCT, how to optimize CBCT image quality, the system parameters for clinical applications, and relevant aspects of the anatomy of the facial skeleton. The second part provides case examples of relevant indications and ndings to demonstrate the possible applications of CBCT in dental diagnosis and treatment planning. The third part discusses the use of CBCT in implant dentistry, particularly in conjunction with other CAD/CAM technology for implant treatment planning, bone augmentation, and surgical template fabrication as well as for postoperative evaluation and management of complications. Further instruction is included on the accompanying DVD-ROM with 30 CBCT data sets ready for analysis and discovery. A tutorial gives an introduction to the use of the software and the routine interpretation of CBCT images.

Cone Beam Volumetric Imaging in Dental, Oral and Maxillofacial Medicine: Fundame

SKU: 978-1850972693

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